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Buy an apartment in the RC Optimisto in installments and without overpayment

The company Smile Development provides an opportunity to buy an apartment in RC OPTIMISTO in installments and without overpayment.

The procedure for obtaining installments is simple - you only need to provide the buyer's documents (passport and TIN code). There are no additional costs for home and life insurance, early repayment of installments is possible without penalties, there is no proof of solvency of the buyer and guarantors. Signing the agreement and agreeing on the terms is instantaneous!

Smile Development cares about each of the buyers of RC Optimisto, so it offers loyal installment terms with a down payment of 10% of the base value of the apartment.

The installment period varies depending on the selected construction queue and is provided until the buyer receives the title deeds. This is six months longer than before receiving the documents on the commissioning of the facility.

If you pay the first installment more than 30% of the base value of the apartment, there is a loyalty program: the higher the down payment, the cheaper the apartment in the end.

Take a look at our guests! Write to us in private messages or call.

Other news
Start of sales of barns in 6 and 7 sections.
(Українська) Комірчина - ваш рятівник!
We are pleased to announce the start of sales of new sections in Optimisto Residential Complex – 10, 11 and 12!
(Українська) Вже скоро — ще більше затишних квартир та щасливих мешканців!
The first residents of RC Optimisto received the keys to the apartments
(Українська) Продовжуємо тішити вас хорошими новинами.
RC Optimisto received a mailing address!
(Українська) ЖК Оптимісто отримав поштову адресу!
Start of sales of the 8th and 9th sections
(Українська) ЖК Оптимісто чекає на гостей!